Reflexology is a wonderfully relaxing, non-invasive touch therapy involving the application of pressure to specific reflex areas and pressure points on the feet which correspond with areas, organs and systems of the body.
It induces a deep sense of relaxation bringing balance and realignment to the body. It is an ancient complementary therapy that can help alleviate signs and symptom of stress, anxiety or low mood. Clients often report better sleeping patterns, relief from some conditions including pain, headaches and migraines.
The therapy works on the basis that repeated stimulation and manipulation of reflex areas and nerve endings with pressure, creates a healing response in the body as the flow of blood and nutrients are improved, toxins are cleansed from the body and energy is re-balanced and restored.

Prior to your treatment a full consultation will be completed with a detailed medical history taken to ensure the treatment is right for you, and to determine what you would like to achieve from the treatment.
During your session, you will be asked to lie on the therapy couch with only your ankles and feet exposed. The Reflexology routine will be performed and you will feel the therapist's thumbs and fingers work around each foot applying various techniques and pressure. A treatment usually takes between 45-60 minutes.
Clients often ask how often should Reflexology be performed. If you are targeting a specific issue such as headaches or sinus issues, the recommendation would be weekly for 6-8 weeks, then monthly afterwards as maintenance.
To maintain a general sense of relaxation and well being a monthly treatment would be recommended.
Further Reading:
1. VALIANI M ET AL (2010) Reviewing the effect of Reflexology on pain and outcomes of the labour of primiparous women. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 15(Dec) p302-310
2. LI C-Y ET AL (2011) Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of using foot reflexology to improve quality of sleep amongst post partum women. Midwifery. 27. p181- 186
3. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2011; 13(7):475-479 ©Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal.
6. The Effect of Foot Reflexology on the Anxiety Levels of Women in Labour. Yılar Erkek Z, Aktas S. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Apr;24(4):352-360
Energyze provides specific and targeted Reflexology treatments to provise support for clients who are experiencing symptoms of the Menopause, clients who are Pregnant and anyone who may need some support with emotional health with symptoms of anxiety, low mood or depression.
Vertical Reflexology Therapy (VRT) is also available.
More information is available below.

Reflexology for Menopause
There are many symptoms and side effects that can affect women during their journey through the Menopause. It can be a huge transition in life, as well as a period of transformation and reflection for many women. It can be emotional, physical and very stressful at times, however, Reflexology can help alleviate many side effects to help support women through this time in their life.
Jo has had some great results with this treatment and has found clients are thrilled to find some of their symptoms, such as night sweats, anxiety, hot flushes, dizziness, brain fog almost disappear with regular treatments.
Your appointment will begin with a full consultation; this will include taking a comprehensive medical history to ensure suitability and an opportunity to discuss your expectations from the treatment.
Menopause Case Study.
In November 2021 a small group of lovely, local ladies consented to be part of a case study, to produce some evidence about the effects Reflexology can have on the symptoms and side effects of the Menopause.
Through social media, I asked for volunteers who would like to be involved to contact me. After discussing the various journeys some women were experiencing, I identified a group of 3 ladies to work with. I am referring to the lovely ladies as A, B & C to respect their privacy, although they have all given me consent to document these results.
All of the ladies had been "diagnosed" in their menopausal journey by a GP, 2 of them were already on HRT with little effect, and none of them had opted for a complementary therapy to help with symptoms.
I completed a thorough consultation with each of them, to gain an understanding of their thoughts, feelings and experience so far of the menopause. Within the consultation I had provided a list of 32 commonly known symptoms and side effects of the menopause:
Client A had 25 symptoms.
Client B had 22 symptoms plus 1 not on the list *
Client C had 14 symptoms plus 1 not on the list *
*these symptoms had been noticed by the ladies as a significant change in their health & well being since their journey began. I have since included them on my list during a consultation.
During the consultation, each client identified 3 symptoms that were causing them the most problems. Each symptom was given a score on a 1-10 scale (1 being the symptom at it's very worst, 10 being great, no issues at all).
The group all attended a weekly, 1 hour long session of Reflexology that has been designed specifically to target the menopause, for 6 weeks.
I reviewed each client's 3 main symptoms each week and asked them to give a score for each, based on the week they'd had since the last session.
Throughout the case study, all sessions were attended and all summary sheets were completed - I did not discuss the scaling questions with the clients as to where their scores were on the scale each week. However, they all verbally commented that they felt their symptoms were being helped.
By the end of the 6 weeks this is what I found:
100% of each client's 3 worst symptoms were significantly improved.
2 clients reported their very worst symptom had completely resolved.
All of the clients had reported sleep as an issue. This issue improved dramatically for everyone.
2 ladies reported increased anxiety as one of the worst symptoms - both had felt a big reduction in this.
I provided a questionnaire for each client at the end of the case study and asked them to complete and return it to me. I asked the following questions:
Q: Have you seen an improvement in your worst symptoms?
Q: Do you feel better in yourself?
Q: Do you feel more relaxed?
Q: Do you experience less anxiety?
Q: Are you sleeping better?
The answer to all of these questions, from each client was: Yes.
These comments are from each client.....
"I feel that reflexology has greatly improved my menopause symptoms and others that I was not quite so aware of......"
" I felt the treatment was very beneficial...."
"This experience has reassured & helped me to reflect on things that have been happening, realise that I'm not losing my mind nor that it is simply work & normal life stress that are causing these changes.
The changes triggered in the treatment is amazing....."
Maternity Reflexology
Reflexology during pregnancy is generally safe and has many benefits.
It can support the hormonal and emotional impact pregnancy can bring with it as well as support the physical symptoms such as heartburn, constipation, morning sickness and general aches and pains.
Research during pregnancy has shown many beneficial results: it has been seen to increase mothers’ comfort following birth, support breastfeeding with earlier lactation and improve mood.
During pregnancy, Reflexology can help reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety, improve sleep and provide a sense of deep relaxation. More regular sessions from 30 weeks can help prepare for labour and birth and it can also be performed during the labour itself.
Jo has completed further training around the use of Reflexology during pregnancy and is happy to discuss your treatment with a free consultation at any time.
As with all Complemetary therapies, Reflexology is there to work alongside any traditional medical care plans, never to replace the important treatment plans provided by your Midwife, Obstetrician etc.
Mindful Reflexology
Whilst Reflexology cannot remove the stresses & strains of everyday life, it can help you manage the symptoms and issues often experienced and associated with periods of stress, anxiety, low mood and depression.
Taking some to time to focus on your wellbeing, and allowing your body & mind to experience complete relaxation can be the beginning of a journey to help with the emotionally tough times life can present.​
There are many benefits to Mindful Reflexology: improved sleep, feeling better able to cope, relaxation and a general sense of improved wellbeing.
Regular Mindful Reflexology is a nurturing treatment that involves specialised sequences to help improve your emotional health by focusing on the areas of the body responsible for your immune, nervous and endocrine systems.
The signals between nerve pathways to the spinal cord and brain will be restored and relaxed, hormonal disruptions within the endocrine system can be addressed, reducing cortisol ( associated with stress / anxiety) and raising serotonin levels ( depression) can be achieved by relaxing the gut function - all while you relax in the safety and warmth with Energyze.
Your initial appointment will involve a thorough consultation as well as a treatment, so this may take up to 90 minutes. Any following treatments will last approximately 1 hour and are recommended regularly.
Vertical Reflexology (VRT)
Jo has completed further & extensive training with the pioneer of VRT to bring this incredible addition to her Traditional Reflexology treatment.
Vertical Reflexology Therapy (VRT) is a unique technique used within a Reflexology treatment, where the feet are very briefly treated with the client in a weight bearing position. For some this will mean standing, for others it will mean semi-weight bearing & seated with their feet flat on the floor.
VRT is applied to the top of the foot, as oppose to the sole of the foot in traditional Reflexology. The technique was originally developed more than 30 years ago and saw some interesting results with musculoskeletal issues, but has since proved very succesful in treating many health issues. VRT has been very succeful in supporting athletes/sports people with effective results in common sports related injuries.
VRT appears to be very effective in accelerating the body's healing processes. It is suggested that whilst a person is in a weight bearing position, the nerve-endings of the reflexes which are stimulated on the foot ( and the hands) are more receptive, witha more powerful response.
VRT can be used quickly as a "first aid" response, and at the beginning and end of a traditinal reflexology treatment.
Further reading:
Thompson P. Study on the effect of VRT on Pain & Mobility 2005.
Booth L "Nailing the Problem" International Therapist. 2009 84:30
Booth L. Vertical Reflexology. Piatkus (2019)